vendredi, janvier 25, 2008

Message de Zac SVE à l'APF à Marseille

hi people,

i have a great idea to have fun like crayz people, let's go to stadium velodrome to watch a mathc and to see all crayz french people that how they shout,how they swear "oh! putain".i think it is the best place to make some pratices in french with bad words:)

Does anyone know the easist way to learn French? Why they put their mounth a thousand of shapes when they talk? This is a joke but this is language is really boring for some words because it is like impossible to pronounce for me.

Another secret Marseille is so dirty, "i will sacrifice if i don't see SHIT in the ways for one day",but the french girls are ok althoug they don't remember anything the day after parties.Don't surprise the next day if you hear: who are you?

Je peux écrire en Français mais je ne veux pas:D A bientôt


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